Food and Agriculture
“Leave the outdated software aside; plan for both today and tomorrow with Felece.”
Tuğba Hisarlıoğlu, Felece Senior Advisor in Food Sector
As the number of players and the variety of products increase in the food and agriculture industry where competition is extremely intense, quality standards are also on the rise. Strengths of the industry attract the attention of new producers. Total production volume, population size and market size, favorable climatic conditions, and dynamic economic composition pave the way for new companies to penetrate the market. Effective monitoring of all processes extending from the field to the end-user, and rapid and effective management of business processes such as product life management, finance, sales, marketing and distribution, which are necessary for exceeding the desired quality, become a necessity. Manufacturers and distributors who want to keep their costs under control while protecting their position in the market, as well as maintaining and improving quality, manage all their processes with SAP solutions. With SAP solutions tailored to the specific needs of the food and agriculture industry, Felece guides market players to help them gain flexibility against changing dynamics in the market. By analyzing manufacturer problems, it helps the manufacturers to stand out in the market.
“Take the lead in the food industry which has a multi-component structure and multi-layered, complex business processes extending from the field to the end-user!”
What do we provide for companies operating in the Food and Agriculture industry ?
- Thanks to our experience in the food and agriculture industry, we improve and strengthen your processes with the help of technology. We reduce the time needed to access a desired report from days and hours to just a few seconds.
- We allow you to easily access reliable information when faster decision-making is needed.
- We enable you to manage all workflows associated with your products, customers, and suppliers through the same system, while also shortening and facilitating business processes through the integrated system we implement.
- We take your efficiency to the next level by leveraging process improvements.
- We eliminate the margin of error in expiry date controls.
- We enable you to see which products, semi-finished products, and raw materials are currently in your inventory at any time.
- We allow you to easily track and trace your lots in accordance with the international standards.
- We provide you with the environment needed to measure the customer feedback about your campaigns.

- We enable you to perform cost analysis by product and pave the way to finding out your real costs.
- We help you perform risk monitoring in your import-export transactions.
- We set up the system needed to perform flexible production planning in line with instant, urgent, and static orders, eliminating the risk of “sell-out”.
- We enable you to access the entire system via your smart mobile devices and help you remotely manage your processes and your organization anytime and anywhere.
- We facilitate your compliance with industry-specific regulations. We help you improve your quality processes by ensuring that your HASIP documents are displayed on the system.
- We help our customers integrate their systems with the ERP systems of the supermarket chains they work with.
- Regardless of your target audience -whether end-users or wholesalers- we create the environment needed to enable traceability for all processes including storage, logistics, and sales of your products.
- We provide integration with your e-commerce platform, improving your customer experience.