Energy and Natural Resources

Energy and Natural Resources

The energy industry is among the critical areas that have undergone fundamental changes as a result of technology’s powerful and extensive impact on our lives. As the rules of the game are being rewritten, companies are moving along challenging paths towards reaching their goals. With a history that is as well-established as the industry itself, Felece has been accompanying this journey since the day it was founded with its expert team and in the light of the collaborations it has established with numerous industries.

As the demand for energy and natural resources rises globally, companies need to accelerate their technological transformation to meet this need and provide an effective service. While companies leverage various natural resources including electricity, natural gas, wind, and solar energy, the significance of establishing an absolute communication between their facilities grows day by day. Along this challenging adventure that extends from production to the end-user, Felece solutions help you stay ahead in the competition at all times.

Felece fills a significant gap with solutions that are tailored to the dynamics of the energy industry. Through the projects it implements in line with industrial dynamics, it ensures efficient operation for companies, as well as the effective management of the fragile balance between inbound and outbound cash flow and execution of business processes in compliance with the legislations.

“Based on know-how gained from numerous projects that are implemented in many companies operating in the energy industry, the solutions provided by Felece consultants provide the industry with fully integrated traceability and high efficiency with minimum labor and cost.”

What do we provide for companies operating in the energy industry ?

We reduce the time needed to access a desired report from days and hours to seconds, and allow you to leverage data-driven reliable information you need for faster decision-making.

We streamline reporting, auditing and instant monitoring of data such as accruals, billing, collections, receivables, meter readings, customer activities, and subscriber changes used in the energy distribution business.

By integrating all workflows associated with the customers and suppliers into the same system, we shorten and facilitate business processes, improving your efficiency.

We enable you to access the entire system via your smart mobile device and help you remotely manage your processes anytime and anywhere.

Felece Web Portal

This site programmed and designed by
Mustafa Emre Tekinsoy

with Burak Yağmur